- radio interferometer
- радиоинтерферометр
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
radio interferometer — Astron. any of several different types of instrumentation designed to observe interference patterns of electromagnetic radiation at radio wavelengths: used in the discovery and measurement of radio sources in the atmosphere. * * * ▪ astronomical… … Universalium
radio interferometer — /ˌreɪdioʊ ɪntəfəˈrɒmətə/ (say .raydeeoh intuhfuh romuhtuh) noun a type of radio telescope, based on the principle of the optical interferometer but operating on radiofrequencies. It consists of two or more aerials all receiving electromagnetic… …
radio interferometer — noun radio telescope that uses interference patterns from two antennas instead of a parabolic antenna • Hypernyms: ↑radio telescope, ↑radio reflector * * * Astron. any of several different types of instrumentation designed to observe interference … Useful english dictionary
radio interferometer — noun A radio telescope that has two or more separated receiving antennas in order to measure angular distances as small as one second of arc See Also: radio interferometry … Wiktionary
radio telescope — Astron. a system consisting of an antenna, either parabolic or dipolar, used to gather radio waves emitted by celestial sources and bring them to a receiver placed in the focus. [1925 30] * * * Combination of radio receiver and antenna, used for… … Universalium
radio telescope — noun astronomical telescope that picks up electromagnetic radiations in the radio frequency range from extraterrestrial sources (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑radio reflector • Hypernyms: ↑astronomical telescope • Hyponyms: ↑radio interferometer … Useful english dictionary
radio reflector — noun astronomical telescope that picks up electromagnetic radiations in the radio frequency range from extraterrestrial sources (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑radio telescope • Hypernyms: ↑astronomical telescope • Hyponyms: ↑radio interferometer … Useful english dictionary
radio telescope — /ˌreɪdioʊ ˈtɛləskoʊp / (say .raydeeoh teluhskohp) noun a large parabolic reflector, or a radio interferometer, used to gather radio signals emitted by celestial bodies or spacecraft and focus them for reception by a receiver. See radioastronomy …
radio interferometry — noun Interferometry using a radio interferometer … Wiktionary
Radio astronomy — is a subfield of astronomy that studies celestial objects at radio frequencies. The field originated from the discovery that many astronomical objects emit radiation in the radio wavelengths as well as optical ones. The great advances in radio… … Wikipedia
Radio telescope — A radio telescope is a form of directional radio antenna used in radio astronomy and in tracking and collecting data from satellites and space probes. In their astronomical role they differ from optical telescopes in that they operate in the… … Wikipedia